Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ignorance and intolerance

I've been fairly easy going with some of my more conservative friends because I understand that I do go to a small private Christian university and I am in Texas. I'm not the type of person to wear my political and religious views on my sleeve, even with my close friends. But recently I have had to deal with some views and hatred towards opposing views more often than I would like to.

I'm okay with people believing different things/thinking different ways than I do... but I am definitely not okay with people shunning ideas and spewing hateful words about different ways/ideas.

I am the kind of person who will respectfully listen. But respectful listening has lead me to become very frustrated. I don't want to stop listening... I want to be there for people to tell me how they think or feel. I just can't stand for listening when the speaker won't equally have an open mind.

I am effected by the hurtful words that have come out of some of my friends mouths, whether they apply to me or not. Please do not go on bashing me or my friends for being gay/a different race/conservative/not conservative/religious/smokers/non-religious/drinkers/etc. The things people have been saying are coming from a really uneducated/ignorant view point. I really find it hard to believe how passionate people are about hating some things when they don't even understand the first thing about it. They believe the popular opinion or the opinion fed to them by "the man".


And don't hate... don't be quick to judge...

Buh, I've been really down and out about this. I feel surrounded by tunnel-visioned, ear-plugged, la-la-la-ers who want to stay in their nice little bubble where things don't change.

I don't like that. I don't like that one bit.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

sink your teeth into this one...

... "When you come to think about it, nothing has any meaning, for when there was nobody to think, there was nobody to interpret what happened. Interpretations are only for those who don't understand; it is only the things we don't understand that have any meaning" (Carl G Jung Collected Works Vol 9i, para 65)

(in response to

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

synth and silence

you can hear the silence taking a part of you away... this song is so perfect in the sense the lyrics match the musical ideas and how a person would react to them.

Above & Beyond are geniuses.

Friday, May 6, 2011

if you want to see the true essence of a person, follow them around during finals week.


I am not as excited for summer as I am excited for this semester to be over. I was not prepared for this semester at all. I learned a lot, though. Lots of new friends... as well as letting a few go... This semester was a learning experience. yay.

Speaking of summer, I'm really excited for all the traveling that will be had. FOR EXAMPLE.... DCI OMG YAY I LOVE DCI. And then we're going to Denmark... and I'm going to be driving between KC and DFW more times than I would like to fill up my car.

Gas is over $4 for me now. *sigh* First world problems.

I'm babbling.


Monday, May 2, 2011

why am i always the other girl? the girl to hold over until 'the keeper'?

i don't know what i'm doing wrong... is it that i'm so desperate to find a solid relationship?

womp womp.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This summer will be totally about revamping me.

I'm wondering right now why should our sleep be designated to where the sun is? I mean seriously, I spend no time in natural lighting anyway, my days are based on artificial lighting... I think it would be so much better if I shifted my hours of sleep to begin so I can start my first class after being up for three or four hours. I focus best in the afternoon, not because I know that the sun is past the mid-way mark, but because I have adjusted to being awake and using my brain at that point. And I was sort of thinking about switching to the polyphasic sleep cycle. I feel like once I got used to it, and managed to get my 8 hours in, that it would be way better than trying to sleep 8 hours in one go around.

I need to learn to only use what I need. I need to learn to be clean... put stuff where it belongs... I need to learn to exercise daily... I need to learn to eat better... learn to cook for myself... learn photography... better graphic design... better blogging... writing... you know. Be better.

I really love my history class, and I love how my teacher makes me think... I just didn't like how I couldn't put it into words or I had to read a book longer than I had time for... but now that I won't have a job or anywhere to be, I have no excuses.

I'm tired of being lazy... it's such a waste of time. I used to put off things to just lay around and do nothing. Now I put off things to do stuff. A step in the right direction I suppose.

Baby steps...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I need to get better about posting... and not complaining when I post...

I'm a blogging newb.